Rolf Kyburz (2016-11-04, © Rolf Kyburz)


Danke, lieber Rolf, für diese wunderbare Rezension, dafür, dass Du über viele Jahre hinweg Zeuge und Chronist der Konzerte von „Musik an der ETH und UZH“ warst. Danke, dass Du immer einen Weg gefunden hast, Klänge in Worte und Gedanken zu materialisieren, die wiederum immer aufrichtig, tiefgründig waren und selbst wie schöne Musik klangen.
Thank you, dear Rolf Kyburz, for this amazing review, for being a witness and chronicler of the “Musik an der ETH und UZH” concerts for many years. Thank you for always finding a way to materialise sounds in words and thoughts, which in turn were always sincere, profound and sounded like beautiful music themselves.

Concert Review “Piano Recital Konstantin Scherbakov — Zurich, 2024-05-17

Konstantin Scherbakov & Nina Orotchko (Facebook, 2024-06-10)

Greetings, Rolf
Your Review is most excellent. I am in awe.
One would have suspected you were a professionally trained musician. Alas! You are a Chemist!
Your interpretations – in my judgment – are on point. K 428 is certainly not an easy piece of his to assimilate and characterize.

To me, this is just about as revolutionary as the opening to Wagner’s Vorspiel to “Tristan und Isolde” — though here, it wasn’t meant to spark a revolution, but merely to upset the audience


Media Review / Comparison “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: String Quartet No.16 in E♭ major, K.428

Gary Andrews (Blog comment, 2024-06-10)

Thank you for this; very helpful as I’m working on this piece! I do wish you’d included Hilary Hahn’s recording among your excellent analyses. Agree that Hadelich’s interpretation is sublime!


I understand that one has to draw the line somewhere and I respect your choices. Thanks again for this massively interesting and useful post!

Media Review “Bach: “Sei Solo” — Partita No.1 in B minor for Violin Solo, BWV 1002

Karin Lin (Blog Comment, 2024-02-24)

Thank you so much for your valuable Bach resource and your intelligent opinions. Thoroughly appreciated!

Media Review “Bach: The 6 Suites for Cello Solo — Comparison Summary

Chris (Blog Comment, 2024-03-03)

Честно говоря, я была уверена, что жанр музыкальной рецензии на академический концерт умер давно и бесповоротно, и вдруг на концерт Александра Ключко в Цюрихе появилась развёрнутая рецензия – с историческими справками и разбором частей, автор Рольф Кибурц. Однако, даже не припомню столь подробной рецензии, рада ошибаться, и жанр всё-таки жив!

To be honest, I was sure that the genre of the musical review of an academic concert had died a long time ago and irrevocably, and suddenly a detailed review of Aleksandr Kliuchko’s concert in Zurich appeared, with historical references and analysis of the parts, by Rolf Kyburz. However, I don’t even remember such a detailed review, I’m glad to be wrong, and the genre is alive after all! (Translation: Deepl, with corrections)

Concert Review “Piano Recital Aleksandr Kliuchko — Zurich, 2023-10-11

Olga Kliuchko (Ольга Ключко, Facebook, 2023-10-18)

This is the most detailed and serious concert review I’ve ever seen! And Kliuchko certainly deserves it. Great that you got him there in Switzerland!

Concert Review “Piano Recital Aleksandr Kliuchko — Zurich, 2023-10-11

Natacha Denechaud (Facebook, 2023-10-18)

Eine sehr detaillierte Würdigung und Besprechung des Prix Serdang Anlasses! Vielen Dank an Rolf Kyburz!

Concert Review “Ariel Lanyi / Prix Serdang — Feldbrunnen, 2023-06-25

Thomas Pfiffner, Prix Serdang 2023 (Facebook, 2023-07-03)

«Fascinating, for sure, enthralling throughout—and definitely very unique!»
Thank you Rolf Kyburz!

Concert Review “Duo Goldstein-Nemtsov, Gringolts Quartet — Gare du Nord, Basel, 2023-01-20

Mizmorim Kammermusik Festival (Facebook, 2023-02-03)

Vielen Dank, Rolf Kyburz, für die so reichhaltige wie eloquent-fundierte Beschreibung Ihrer Konzerteindrücke!

Concert Review “Piano Recital Can Çakmur — Druckerei, Baden AG, 2022-11-19

Piano District (Facebook, 2022-12-07)

Wir freuen uns über die ausführliche Rezension im Blog des Musikpublizisten Rolf Kyburz zu unserem 6. Abo-Konzert vom 26. Juni mit dem DJ und Medienkünstler Janiv Oron unter der Leitung von Principal Conductor Baldur Brönnimann und Assistant Conductor Laurent Zufferey im Sportzentrum Pfaffenholz in Saint-Louis (F) – und bedanken uns für die Bewertung mit 4.5 von 5 Sternen!

Concert Review “Janiv Oron, Baldur Brönnimann, Basel Sinfonietta — Saint-Louis (F), 2022-06-26

Basel Sinfonietta (Facebook, 2022-07-19)

Ein differenzierter und lesenswerter Review des letzten Orpheum Konzertes!

Concert Review “Stephen Waarts, Diyang Mei, Julia Hagen, Sir András Schiff — Zurich, 2022-06-19

Orpheum Foundation (Facebook, 2022-07-09)

Herzlichen Dank an Rolf Kyburz für seinen Konzertbesuch und seinen spannenden Bericht darüber!

Concert Review “Christian Tetzlaff, Gevorg Gharabekyan, Chamber Orchestra I TEMPI — Basel, 2022-06-18

Kammerorchester I TEMPI, Basel (Facebook, 2022-06-28)

Wir freuen uns über eine ausführliche Rezension im Blog des Musikpublizisten Rolf Kyburz zu unserem 5. Abo-Konzert vom 26. Mai mit Werken von Dieter Ammann (anlässlich seines 60. Geburtstags) sowie seiner Schülerinnen Aregnaz Martirosyan und Alsu Nigmatullina mit der Solistin Simone Zgraggen und unter der Leitung von Principal Conductor Baldur Brönnimann.

Concert Review “Zgraggen, Brönnimann / Basel Sinfonietta: Dieter Ammann 60 — Basel, 2022-05-26

Basel Sinfonietta (Facebook, 2022-06-08)

Seldom have I seen such a seriously, carefully and score-knowingly done, detailed concert review.

Concert Review “Sol Gabetta, John Storgårds / Gstaad Festival Orchestra — Zurich, 2022-01-07

John Storgårds (Twitter, 2022-01-12)

Beautifully written very detailed notes on our recording session. Thank you very much.

Concert Review “Can Çakmur, Howard Griffiths / Camerata Schweiz — Zurich, 2021-03-21

Can Çakmur (Twitter, 2021-03-28)

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟 Gerade in dieser aussergewöhnlichen Zeit sind wir auf unabhängige Stimmen angewiesen, die unsere Auseinandersetzung mit #MusikAmPulsDerZeit öffentlich reflektieren, wie z.B. den Blog des unermüdlichen Rezensenten Rolf Kyburz. Niemand sonst schreibt so detaillierte Kritiken über klassische Musik! Seine Texte lassen einen ganzen Konzertabend Revue passieren. In Zeiten von «Geisterkonzerten» ein ganz besonderes Vergnügen. – Vielen Dank für die schöne Auszeichnung unseres 2. Abo-Konzerts vom 22. November mit viereinhalb Sternen!

Concert Review “Baldur Brönnimann / Basel Sinfonietta — Münchenstein, 2020-11-22”

Basel Sinfonietta (Facebook, 2020-11-27)

Der Saisonstart war äusserst erfolgreich und versprach eine noch faszinierendere Perspektive.
Rolf Kyburz beweist dies in seiner hervorragenden Rezension des Konzerts mit dem Amani Trio, das am 24. Oktober in der kleinen Aula der alten Kantonsschule stattfand.

Concert Review “Trio Amani — Zurich, 2020-10-24

Musik an der ETH und UZH (Facebook, 2020-11-05)

Fascinating reading, Rolf!

Concert Review “Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.32, op.111

Thierry Loir (Blog Comment, 2020-10-20)

Excellent stuff. I enjoyed reading it, although my personal ratings are quite different

Media Review “Beethoven: String Quartet op.18/1

Jay (Blog Comment, 2020-09-15)

Wow!! So proud about this huge and affectionate review by Rolf Kyburz. Comment for Brahms Intermezzo op. 118, Nr.2:
“the result is truly beautiful, subtle: as good as Brahms’ original, I would claim. If not even better, thanks to the more mellow, ethereal and intimate character of the harp!”

Media Review “CD — Silke Aichhorn: «Miniaturen 4» for Harp

Silke Aichhorn (Facebook, 2020-08-22)

Enjoyed your thoughtful analyses.

Media Review “Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D, op.61

Eric (Blog Comment, 2020-08-01)

Hello, I have just discovered your blog, I love it!

Gabriele (Blog Comment, 2020-06-04)

Thank you for your review!🎶

Concert Review “Beethoven / Klavierissimo Festival 2020, Recital 1 @ KZO, Wetzikon ZH, 2020-01-28

Tamar Beraia (Facebook Comment, 2020-02-23)

Thank you dear Rolf Kyburz for such a great review of the sonata E-Dur op.14 no.1🎶I appreciate it very much!

Concert Review “Beethoven / Klavierissimo Festival 2020, Recital 2 @ KZO, Wetzikon ZH, 2020-01-29

Tamar Beraia (Facebook Comment, 2020-02-23)

Great!🎶Thank you dear Rolf!🎼🎶👏🌟

Concert Review “Beethoven / Klavierissimo Festival 2020, Recital 7 @ KZO, Wetzikon ZH, 2020-02-01

Tamar Beraia (Facebook Comment, 2020-02-23)

Thank you, Rolf, for all great reviews! 🤗

Concert Review “Beethoven / Klavierissimo Festival 2020, Recital 8 @ KZO, Wetzikon ZH, 2020-02-01

Alina Bercu (Facebook Comment, 2020-02-23)

Klavierissimo 2020 – 📷 Rolf Kyburz Thank you so much for everything, Rolf!

Concert Review “Beethoven / Klavierissimo Festival 2020, Recital 8 @ KZO, Wetzikon ZH, 2020-02-01

Alina Bercu (Facebook, 2020-02-19)

Konzertrezensionen sind ein rares Gut geworden. In der bz Zeitung für die Region Basel gibt es seit längerer Zeit gar kein Gehör mehr für Musik ausserhalb des klassischen Mainstreams und dessen Starzirkus. Und in Folge der Übernahme durch die Tamedia sind der Kulturredaktion der Basler Zeitung die Ressourcen nun offenbar so stark gekürzt worden, dass eine reguläre Konzertberichterstattung nicht mehr geleistet werden kann. Umso mehr sind wir auf unabhängige Stimmen angewiesen, die unsere Auseinandersetzung mit #MusikAmPulsDerZeit öffentlich reflektieren, wie z.B. den Blog des Rezensenten Rolf Kyburz, der wohl die detailliertesten Kritiken der Klassikszene schreibt. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟 Vielen Dank für die schöne Auszeichnung unseres 3. Abo-Konzerts vom 2. Februar mit 4.5 Sternen!

Concert Review “Peter Rundel / Basel Sinfonietta — Musical Theater Basel, 2020-02-02

Basel Sinfonietta (Facebook, 2020-02-12)

“There is no doubt in my mind that this was the most impressive performance of the Dante Sonata that I have heard so far.” – thank you Rolf Kyburz for overall ★★★★½ and absolutely great review of my recital at the Musik an der ETH und UZH in Zürich! 🤗

Concert Review “Dmytro Choni — Piano Recital @ Zurich, 2019-11-19

Dmytro Choni, Pianist (Facebook, 2019-12-03)

I am late into your fantastically detailed reviews you have been crafting – keep up the great work and the enjoyment factor.

Blog post “Blogging and Concert Reviewing — Full-Time Jobs…

John Pereira (Facebook Comment, 2019-11-10)

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ «Spitzenklasse im Bereich der zeitgenössischen Musik, souverän aufgeführt von kompetenten Experten auf diesem Gebiet!» ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wir freuen uns über die ausführliche #Rezension zu unserem 2. Abo-Konzert vom vergangenen Sonntag auf dem Blog mit der wohl grössten Liebe zum Detail der gesamten Klassikszene. Herzlichen Dank an Musikkritiker Rolf Kyburz für die selten vergebenen fünf Sterne!

Concert Review “Łukasz Długosz, Baldur Brönnimann / Basel Sinfonietta — Basel-Münchenstein, 2019-11-03

Basel Sinfonietta (Facebook, 2019-11-09)

Thank you Rolf for such a positive review!

Concert Review “Carmina Quartet — Zurich, 2019-10-20

Carmina Quartet (Facebook Comment, 2019-10-25)

Interesting reading! Thanks for your analyses on these recordings. The Pastoral is probably my favorite of the Beethoven sonatas, and I’ve compared a lot of recordings, never finding that perfect one. 🙂

Media Review “Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.15, op.28

Donnie Ashworth (Blog Comment, 2019-10-15)

Thank you Rolf Kyburz your review will be truly useful in our future work 👍👍

Concert Review “Merel Quartet & Castalian String Quartet — Wetzikon ZH, 2019-09-28

Merel Quartet (Facebook Comment, 2019-10-07)

Thank you for the thorough review!

Concert Review “Merel Quartet — Zurich 2019-09-22

Merel Quartet (Facebook, 2019-09-28)

Excellent review! Deeply appreciated, dear Rolf. Thank you!

Concert Review “Konstantin Scherbakov / Recital #1, Beethoven Cycle — Zurich, 2019-09-21

Nina Orotchko (Facebook Comment, 2019-09-23)

I would like to thank you for your magnificent review of Rachmaninoff’s Third Concerto and for the mark you give to Yuja! I think she really deserves it!

Media Review “Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.3, op.30

Étienne Barilier (Blog Comment, 2019-09-04)

Thanks for all the work you put into this site. I’ve learned a lot!

Media Review “Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.3, op.30

David Grant Best (Blog Comment, 2019-06-29)

Thank you for your detailed scrutiny. It was educational as well as enjoyable to go through your analysis.

Media Review “Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D, op.61

Dock Hayward (Blog Comment, 2019-06-14)

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Eine ausführliche Rezension zu unserem 5. Abo-Konzert vom vergangenen 5. Mai auf dem Blog mit der wohl grössten Liebe zum Detail der gesamten Klassikszene: Wir bedanken uns bei «Rolf’s Music Blog» von Rolf Kyburz für vier erhaltene Sterne.

Concert Review “Wu Wei, Baldur Brönnimann / Basel Sinfonietta — Basel / Muttenz, 2019-05-05

Basel Sinfonietta (Facebook, 2019-05-22)

Thank you very much dear Rolf Kyburz for your great blog about our charity-concert at Musik an der ETH und UZH.

Concert Review “Kogima, Fajdiga, Conus, & Kliuchko — Piano Recital, Zurich, 2019-04-30

Foundation Orphanhealthcare (Facebook, 2019-05-09)

Excellent review and criticism!

I think it is important for the critic to denounce his general preferences (in this case, HIP) but to warn of the importance of so-called “classical” and historical recordings of romantic interpretive heritage. I share the same tastes and preferences, including the taste for clearer hearing of different textures and colorful instrumentals (the murmurs’ case is blatant). (…)

Congratulations on the blog that I will follow and read with fidelity!

Media Review “Schumann: Symphony No.1 in B♭ major, op.38

ono matopeira (Blog Comment, 2019-04-23)

“Maybe it’s because Yulianna’s playing is not about herself, or about her performance, but about the music & the composer?!” Yes! And yet somehow unless that music is filtered through her, it would not so thoroughly be “about the music & the composer.” A miracle, really.
Lovely photography too, Rolf. Thanks very much.

Concert Review “Yulianna Avdeeva — Piano Recital, Wetzikon, 2019-02-02

Thomas J. Hubschman (Blog Comment, 2019-02-10)

Excited to find this, my favorite, many thanks Rolf for putting it together!

Concert Review “Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.3, op.30

Susannah (Blog Comment, 2019-01-04)

Great review! I was at both performances and agree 100% with it. A bit of sadness for not having been able to have it with Abbado (it was planned for 2012 but then he changed his mind), completing the cycle which I was lucky enough to enjoy at Lucerne.

Media Review “DVD — Mahler: Symphony No.8 — Riccardo Chailly / LFO

Andrea Solari (Blog Comment, 2018-11-11)

Der Schweizer Musikrezensent Rolf Kyburz hat auf seinem Blog einen äusserst detailreichen Bericht über unser 2. Abo-Konzert vom 18. Oktober publiziert.

Concert Review “Christian Dierstein, Baldur Brönnimann / Basel Sinfonietta — Basel, 2018-10-21

Basel Sinfonietta (Facebook, 2018-10-30)

★★★½ für Dmitry Masleevs Lucerne Festival Debüt von @rkyburz!
Vielen Dank für eine höchst detaillierte Rezension auf #rolfsmblog 🧐👍

Concert Review “Dmitry Masleev — Piano Recital, Lucerne, 2018-09-06

WildKat Berlin (Twitter, 2018-09-10)

Your blog is really helpful and insightful. Many thanks.

Laura (Blog Comment, 2018-04-02)

I was amazed by his playing when I discovered the family on YouTube a few years back. I’m glad to see my impression is validated by your own excellent review.

Concert Review “Kanneh-Mason, Tjeknavorian, Sanderling / TOZ — Zurich, 2018-03-14

Thomas J. Hubschman (Blog Comment, 2018-03-23)

Thanks, Rolf. As usual, a delight to read. The best thing next to being there.

Concert Review “Julia Fischer & Yulianna Avdeeva — Tonhalle Maag, Zurich, 2018-03-04

Thomas J. Hubschman (Blog Comment, 2018-03-07)

I so agree with everything you say about Yulianna’s Chopin, Rolf. Thanks very much for this lovely review. (…)
I love what you did with those animated photos. (…) Your photos are superb.
Thanks again, very much.

Concert Review “Yulianna Avdeeva — Piano Recital, Wetzikon, 2018-02-02

Thomas J. Hubschman (Blog Comment, 2018-02-19)

Not sure how I missed this, Rolf, but happy to find it now, as I couldn’t agree more with your choice that is, unfortunately, an undervalued gem by a very talented musician (Katschner).

Media Review “Bach: The Motets

Mark Bar (Blog Comment, 2018-01-17)

I appreciated your review, especially of Piemontesi whom I have never heard. (…) Thank you for your blog and your detailed reviews.

Concert Review “Piemontesi, Dutoit — Tonhalle Maag, Zurich, 2017-10-18

Paul Leu (Blog Comment, 2017-10-23)

Thank you for this very insightful comparison, which I’m very much in line with.

Media Review “Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Comparison Summary

Mark Bar (Blog Comment, 2017-09-02)

Thank you for this very insightful comparison, which I’m very much in line with.

Media Review “Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Comparison Summary

Mark Bar (Blog Comment, 2017-09-02)

I really enjoyed your review of Beethoven’s op.111 CDs, for which I’m surprised that I share much of your appreciation, performance ratings in particular, and this is the second article I’ve read. (…)
Many thanks for sharing these candid review of musical works. I really appreciate it.

Media Review “Mahler: Symphony No.5
Media Review “Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.32, op.111

Kidon Sull (Blog Comment, 2017-08-17)

Really interesting reading. Thank you.

Media Review “Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.32, op.111

Jens M. Steffensen (Blog Comment, 2017-07-30)

Really appreciate this detailed review! I’ve been a large fan of Fornerod ever since encountering his ‘Concert pour 2 violons et piano’ on a now-obscure LP compilation of Swiss composers (performed by Andree Wachsmuth-Loew and Anne-Marie Grunder, violins and Rose Dobos, piano, in a version that is in my opinion both much warmer/more passionate and lighter – more French? – than the version currently available on YouTube by the Tschloss sisters). When played with an understanding lightness of touch, his music has many passages of intelligence and beauty.

I’ve since acquired the CD containing the piece referenced by Gianmaria above, ‘Le voyage de printemps.’ It also contains a second orchestral piece of his (2e Concert pour orchestre de chambre op.35), and I listen to both pieces for pleasure pretty regularly, when I need a fix of Swiss/French light. This CD (Swiss Symphonic Composers, vol. 2) is also conducted by Emmanuel Siffert, who seems to be a great champion of Fornerod – thanks M. Siffert! and I am very excited to hear about the new CD of the performance described above, and to hear Oxana Shevchenko play, who I had not heard of. Ordering the CD now.

Anyways, made my day!

Concert Review “Oxana Shevchenko, Emmanuel Siffert: Aloÿs Fornerod — Lausanne, 2015-12-05

Danny Tunick (Blog Comment, 2017-07-23)

Thanks for that info Rolf. I shall continue to enjoy your highly accomplished critiques.
Compliments on your excellent and highly knowlegeable blog!

Concert Review “Konstantin Scherbakov — Piano Recital, Zurich, 2017-04-11

Ken W (Blog Comment, 2017-04-19)

So glad to see your reviewing this sonata, Rolf. I have the Brautigam version and love it. But I have to confess I never had much interest in the sonatas until I heard him playing them on a Graf. On that instrument, and of course in his hands, they are an entirely different work of music that may as well have been written by a different composer. (…)
I listened to the Brautigam (partly because you had spoken well of him) and realized what I was hearing must be what Beethoven wrote. (…)

Again, thanks for these reviews of this sonata, which I’m looking forward to hearing, and especially for turning me on to Ronald Brautigam in the past.

Concert Review “Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.32, op.111

Thomas J. Hubschman (Blog Comment, 2017-04-17)

Thank you for this very interesting review on one of my favorite piano concertos.

Media Review “Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.3, op.30

Eugenia (Blog Comment, 2017-03-25)

I entirely share your assessment of Yulianna’s Chopin, of course. I appreciate the frankness with which you express your enthusiasm for it. Too much criticism in the arts is so heavily masked in pretentious abstraction. The woman works miracles with Chopin. As I wrote in an early entry to her Facebook page, she “made Chopin come alive for me.” I meant what I said. All the others’ is dead to me, without interest, certainly without the rich feeling she communicates to me. I know this is an extreme reaction. Chopin is, after all, still Chopin no matter who plays the music. But, there it is. (…)
Thanks for the very interesting review

Concert Review “Yulianna Avdeeva — Piano Recital, Aarau, 2017-03-05

Thomas J. Hubschman (Blog Comment, 2017-02-19)

Thanks for all the “inside baseball” (as they say here in the US) info about this concert, Rolf. I admire your ability to translate music into words without intruding on its musical integrity.

Concert Review “Oxana Shevchenko — Piano Recital, Uster ZH, 2017-02-02

Thomas J. Hubschman (Blog Comment, 2017-02-19)

I continue to find your insights on the Beethoven Quartets remarkably insightful. I agree with you about the Hagen Quartet. Overall I find their performances always sparkling and profound and exciting. And I never knew of the Artemis Quartet’s Beethoven. I’ve sampled some of their Beethoven and look forward to hearing more.

Media Review “Beethoven: String Quartets, Comparison Summary

Michael Kochman (Blog Comment, 2016-12-03)

I love your blog and your insights.

Media Review “Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.15, op.28

Michael Kochman (Blog Comment, 2016-11-21)

Bravo! Very fine, very accurate analyses of various interpretations of the Schumann piece.

Media Review “Schumann: Symphony No.1 in B♭ major, op.38

Elio Zappulla, Ph.D. (Blog Comment, 2016-10-01)

Thank you. Very helpful indeed.

Media Review “Beethoven: String Quartet op.131

ipromessisposi (Blog Comment, 2016-07-11)

Thanks for these most insightful reviews of the leading performances of the Eroica Variations.

Media Review “Beethoven: «Eroica» Variations op.35

Joseph Bryant (Blog Comment, 2016-07-02)

Thank you, another great job on comparing recordings!

Media Review “Mozart: Symphony in G, K.129

Gianmaria Griglio (Blog Comment, 2016-02-15)

I always enjoy your blogs. However, sometimes it’s too technical for me. I love “Die Winterreise” very much. I listened to Behle and Schnyder with Tidal. (streaming). I was much impressed by this version. It accentuated the atmosphere of loneliness. Wonderfull!
I’m starting to read “Schubert’s Winter Journey” by Ian Bostridge. The book seems to give an even more profound explanation of the work than the existing books.
Go on with your blog!

Concert Review “Behle, Oliver Schnyder Trio — Greifensee, 2016-01-23

Baan Batelaan (Blog Comment, 2016-02-03)

Thanks for the good report and for being our guest!

Concert Review “Duo Praxedis — Zurich, 2015-12-20

Praxedis Hug (Blog Comment, 2016-01-24)

“…this was a very interesting concert experience, to say the least — it is hard not to be fascinated by Alexander Malofeev as a pianistic phenomenon!” – from Rolf Kyburz’s review of Alexander Malofeev’s recital (December 22nd)

Concert Review “Alexander Malofeev — Piano Recital @ Zurich, 2015-12-22

Musik an der ETH und UZH (Facebook, 2015-12-26)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it’s always great to know when people really enjoy concerts, even more if it’s an all-new-music evening. And I’ll get to know some composers I’m not familiar with.
In Italy, if you have only contemporary music on a concert, 25% of the hall is already a success (it’s unfortunate but it’s a fact; in my opinion, it comes from lack of music education and too much bad stuff from the avant-guarde period, but that’s another story).

Concert Review “Basel Sinfonietta: Ísland — Zurich, 2015-10-03

Gianmaria Griglio (Blog Comment, 2015-11-02)

As always, a very thorough and balanced set of appraisals.

Media Review “Beethoven: String Quartets, Comparison Summary

Louis (Blog Comment, 2015-10-10)

I ‘stumbled across’ your blog whilst searching for reviews about recordings of Beethoven symphonies. I read Gramophone and Fanfare, but I think that your reviews are often far more detailed and balanced than those of these esteemed professional record critics. I agree with your approach to analyzing recordings based on what is in the score—an essential starting point that some ignore! I cannot begin to imagine how much time and thought you put into this.

Media Reviews, Beethoven

Louis (Blog Comment, 2015-10-08)

I agree with almost everything written here. Rial and Holloway’s “Auch mit gedämpften, schwachen Stimmen” is the most wonderful interpretation I’ve ever heard of the aria and the technical quality of Bachstiftung’s recordings is also second to none.

Media Review “Bach: Cantata BWV 36

mozgrenrice (Blog Comment, 2015-06-23)

A delicious effort, an excellent work.

Media Review “Beethoven: Symphony No.3 in E♭, op.55, «Eroica»

ipromessisposi (Blog Comment, 2015-02-23)

Thanks for this Monomental and insightful musical tasting.

Media Review “Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D, op.61

Mark Bar (Blog Comment, 2015-02-16)

Informative, detailed, substantial.
Excellent work!

Media Review “Mahler: Symphony No.5

ipromessisposi (Blog Comment, 2015-01-20)

Thanks for your fine and systematic article about Beethoven’s 4th symphony! I enjoyed it.

Media Review “Beethoven: Symphony No.4 in B♭, op.60

Baan Batelaan (Blog Comment, 2015-01-11)

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