machinery (impressum HDR)

Impressum / Legal

Last Update: 2023-01-10

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This Website and all its contents (unless noted otherwise) are owned solely and exclusively by a private entity, i.e., its author, Rolf Kyburz (see “Contact” for coordinates & further information). The owner does not pursue commercial interests (exception: the modest commissions for purchases through links to Amazon, see “External Resources and Tools“)


This blog site is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0) International License.

The rights for images from external sources remains with the respective copyright holder. Reusing (copying, downloading, archiving) any of the author’s own photographs & illustrations in any context other than the original text / article only with explicit permission by the author.

Referring to site contents is allowed, even invited.

The author assumes no responsibility for external contents referred to in this blog.

Unless noted otherwise, all material belongs to its author, Rolf Kyburz (see “Contact” for coordinates & further information). The above legal restrictions have been implemented for good reasons:

Content Integrity and Validity

  • The blog is meant to be a living document / resource. Its content is not frozen, but undergoing constant revision. Typos and factual errors are corrected, the layout is evolving even with the oldest content, and from time to time, some articles are revised / expanded.
  • Over the recent years, the blog postings have grown to a size of typically 3000 – 5000 words, which (as full quote) really isn’t suited for most media.
  • The blog content really only works in its native environment (“in the ecosystem of the blog”), because of the extensive, internal cross-linking. Also, the internal search facilities in the blog only work at the original blog site. The content is more than just the sum of its parts.

Typographic / Graphic Reproducibility, Context / “Ecosystem”

The layout in many articles (both recent concert critiques, as well as media reviews) is “fragile”, hardly copyable without serious distortion (especially around images & image galleries), which will ruin the readability. A lot of effort is spent on making the articles look readable. Moreover, the author does not have the time & resources (nor the intent) to deal with adjusting layout and contents for other media, to handle proofreading, etc.

Intellectual Property

  • As stated above, the blog and all of its contents remain the sole intellectual property of the author and site owner.
  • The author spends virtually all his livelihood on maintaining, building and growing this blog. He doesn’t earn any income from this activity. He therefore would regard it particularly unfair if third-party re-posters were to use it to feed commercial sites / journals for their own benefit.

Mutual Sharing? Ads?

  • The author has been approached about the possibility of mutual content sharing or similar agreements. For all of the above reasons, this is out of question.
  • The author takes pride in keeping the blog free of commercials and third-party content, in order to keep the blog readable and distraction-free, and to assure his own quality standards in terms of content, layout, and functionality.

AboutImpressum, LegalSite Policy | TestimonialsAcknowledgementsBlog Timeline
WordPress Setup | Typography, ConventionsExternal ResourcesMetrics/Tables/Pictures

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