Konstantin Scherbakov — Piano Recital, Zurich, 2015-03-24

… while for the past two decades the artist is mostly pictured with an earnest, maybe “Beehovenian” / titanic, somewhat closed facial expression, in the concert (which he presented with a mostly relaxed, yet controlled body language) his face hinted at a wealth of emotions — and his playing struck me as a prime example of the “big Russian Piano School” …

Yulianna Avdeeva — Piano Recital, Baden/CH, 2014-03-08

(…) Yulianna’s playing was excellent! She is very virtuosic and very expressive! Where the tempo permits, she is nearly as clear in the articulation as Steven Hough — but she is way more expressive; unlike Volodos, she follows the score; she is not overpowering the music like Volodos, but has more agility than her Russian colleague (and avoids his unnecessary additions, I should say), she is often almost as fast and eruptive as Cziffra in the virtuosic octave passages, but in general keeps her articulation under control…

Yulianna Avdeeva — Piano Recital, Zurich, 2011-09-26

(…) I’m not a professional concert reviewer — but unfortunately, this event went largely unnoticed by the media, and at least in the two newspapers I checked (the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and our local newspaper) the concert was not reviewed at all, so let me try giving at least some rudimentary, subjective comments on how I experienced the evening…