Konstantin Scherbakov — Piano Recital, Zurich, 2015-03-24

… while for the past two decades the artist is mostly pictured with an earnest, maybe “Beehovenian” / titanic, somewhat closed facial expression, in the concert (which he presented with a mostly relaxed, yet controlled body language) his face hinted at a wealth of emotions — and his playing struck me as a prime example of the “big Russian Piano School” …

Yulianna Avdeeva — Piano Recital, Baden/CH, 2014-03-08

(…) Yulianna’s playing was excellent! She is very virtuosic and very expressive! Where the tempo permits, she is nearly as clear in the articulation as Steven Hough — but she is way more expressive; unlike Volodos, she follows the score; she is not overpowering the music like Volodos, but has more agility than her Russian colleague (and avoids his unnecessary additions, I should say), she is often almost as fast and eruptive as Cziffra in the virtuosic octave passages, but in general keeps her articulation under control…

Yulianna Avdeeva — Piano Recital, Zurich, 2011-09-26

(…) I’m not a professional concert reviewer — but unfortunately, this event went largely unnoticed by the media, and at least in the two newspapers I checked (the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and our local newspaper) the concert was not reviewed at all, so let me try giving at least some rudimentary, subjective comments on how I experienced the evening…

Encounters with Yulianna Avdeeva

(…) Yulianna at that time had just finished her concert diploma and had since become Prof. Scherbakov’s assistant (which presumably consists of filling in for him when he was away for concerts or for a recording session). This is now 3 years ago, and she has evolved as a pianist quite dramatically since then…