Bruckner: Mass No.2 in E minor

Bruckner: Mass No.2 in E minor — comparing 6 versions of Anton Bruckner’s Mass No.2 in E minor. Artists: Eugen Jochum/Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks (1971) — Daniel Barenboim/John Alldis Choir (1974) — Philippe Herreweghe/La Chapelle Royale & Collegium Vocale (1989) — Simon Halsey/CBSO Chorus (1990) — Helmuth Rilling/Gächinger Kantorei (1996) — Stephen Layton/Polyphony (2007)

Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, op.14

Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, op.14 — comparing recordings with the following artists: Pierre Boulez, Cleveland Orchestra (1996) / Paavo Järvi, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (2000)