Bach: “Sei Solo”, Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo — Comparison Summary

Media review — Bach: The Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo (Sei Solo) BWV 1001-1006 — Comparison Summary, Artist and Media Information. 26 artists / 28 recordings, from historic to HIP: Kreisler (1926), Menuhin (1936), Szigeti (1956), Grumiaux (1961), Szeryng (1967), Kremer (1980), Zehetmair (1982), Schröder (1985), Paternoster (1995, cello), Huggett (1997), Podger (1999), Kremer (2002), Tetzlaff (2005), Mullova (2008), Baráti (2009), Faust (2009), Ibragimova (2009), Khachatryan (2009), Beyer (2011), Pietsch (2011), Busch (2012), Faust (2012), Bohren (2017), Carmignola (2018), Pochekin (2018), Aldemir (2019, viola), Cotik (2019), Hadelich (2020)
Blog post #585 — #rolfsmblog •

Schumann: Violin Concerto (Diary 2016-05-01)

Robert Schumann’s Violin Concerto in D minor (WoO 1 [H/K WoO 23]), in the new recording with Isabelle Faust and the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra, directed by Pablo Heras-Casado, compared to a recording with Christian Tetzlaff and Paavo Järvi / RSO Frankfurt

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D major, op.61

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D major, op.61 — comparing recordings with the following artists: Batiashvili (2007), Busch/Busch (1942), Faust/Abbado (2010), Francescatti/Walter (1961), Grumiaux/Galliera (1966), Heifetz/Munch (1955), Huberman/Szell (1934), Jansen/Järvi (2009), Kennedy (2007), Kopatchinskaja/Herreweghe (2009), Kreisler/Blech (1926), Kremer/Harnoncourt (1992), Menuhin/Furtwängler (1947), Milstein/Szell (1964), Mullova/Gardiner (2002), Oistrakh/Gauk (1952), Oistrakh/Cluytens (1959), Stern/Bernstein (1959), Szeryng/Schmidt-Isserstedt (1965), Suk/Konwitschny (1962), Tetzlaff/Zinman (2005), Zehetmair/Brüggen (1997)

Mozart: Violin Sonatas

Comparing recordings with the following artists: Müllejans/Bezuidenhout (2008), Tetzlaff/Vogt (2011), Oistrakh/Badura-Skoda (1972), Grumiaux/Haskil (1956)