Bach: “Sei Solo”, Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo — Comparison Summary

Media review — Bach: The Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo (Sei Solo) BWV 1001-1006 — Comparison Summary, Artist and Media Information. 26 artists / 28 recordings, from historic to HIP: Kreisler (1926), Menuhin (1936), Szigeti (1956), Grumiaux (1961), Szeryng (1967), Kremer (1980), Zehetmair (1982), Schröder (1985), Paternoster (1995, cello), Huggett (1997), Podger (1999), Kremer (2002), Tetzlaff (2005), Mullova (2008), Baráti (2009), Faust (2009), Ibragimova (2009), Khachatryan (2009), Beyer (2011), Pietsch (2011), Busch (2012), Faust (2012), Bohren (2017), Carmignola (2018), Pochekin (2018), Aldemir (2019, viola), Cotik (2019), Hadelich (2020)
Blog post #585 — #rolfsmblog •

Ysaÿe: 6 Solo Sonatas op.27 (Diary 2017-12-29)

A short review with a brief comparison of several recordings of the six Sonatas for Solo Violin, op.27 by Eugène Ysaÿe (1858 – 1931), featuring recordings by Oscar Shumsky (1982), Frank Peter Zimmerman (1994), Thomas Zehetmair (2002), and Kristóf Baráti (2013), and a brief outlook to further recordings.

Bostridge, Zehetmair — Winterthur, 2016-12-04

Concert review, Stadthaus Winterthur, 2016-12-04: Ian Bostridge, Thomas Zehetmair and the Orchester Musikkollegium Winterthur playing Franz Schubert’s cycle “Winterreise”, op.89, D.911, in the 1993 version for voice and small orchestra by Hans Zender (1936 – 2019)

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D major, op.61

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D major, op.61 — comparing recordings with the following artists: Batiashvili (2007), Busch/Busch (1942), Faust/Abbado (2010), Francescatti/Walter (1961), Grumiaux/Galliera (1966), Heifetz/Munch (1955), Huberman/Szell (1934), Jansen/Järvi (2009), Kennedy (2007), Kopatchinskaja/Herreweghe (2009), Kreisler/Blech (1926), Kremer/Harnoncourt (1992), Menuhin/Furtwängler (1947), Milstein/Szell (1964), Mullova/Gardiner (2002), Oistrakh/Gauk (1952), Oistrakh/Cluytens (1959), Stern/Bernstein (1959), Szeryng/Schmidt-Isserstedt (1965), Suk/Konwitschny (1962), Tetzlaff/Zinman (2005), Zehetmair/Brüggen (1997)