Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.3 in D minor, op.30

Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.3, op.30 — comparing recordings with the following artists: Rachmaninoff/Ormandy (1940), Ashkenazy/Previn (1972), Argerich/Chailly (1982), Kocsis/de Waart (1983), Wang/Dudamel (2013)

Yulianna Avdeeva — Piano Recital, Baden/CH, 2014-03-08

(…) Yulianna’s playing was excellent! She is very virtuosic and very expressive! Where the tempo permits, she is nearly as clear in the articulation as Steven Hough — but she is way more expressive; unlike Volodos, she follows the score; she is not overpowering the music like Volodos, but has more agility than her Russian colleague (and avoids his unnecessary additions, I should say), she is often almost as fast and eruptive as Cziffra in the virtuosic octave passages, but in general keeps her articulation under control…

CD / Studio vs. Live Recordings / Concerts

A lot could be said about the pros and cons of concerts or live recordings vs. listening to CDs / studio recordings. I remember endless discussions many years ago with friends, around the quality of audio reproduction, stereo equipment, etc. — and I remember one friend who would typically kill any such discussion with the argument “You know, for me, nothing beats a live concert experience!”, at which point it made no sense to carry the discussion any further. However,…

Romantic & Late Romantic Music (Diary 2012-07-30)

Schumann: Novelletten, op.21 — Richter; Myaskovsky: Cello Sonata Nr.1 in D, op.12 — Mørk/Thibaudet; Rachmaninoff: Vocalise from the 14 Songs, op.34 — Isserlis/Hough; Rachmaninoff: Cello Sonata in G minor, op.19 — Mørk/Thibaudet, Isserlis/Hough; Franck: Violin or Cello Sonata in A — Spivakov/Bezrodnyi, Perlman/Argerich, Isserlis/Hough