Bach: “Sei Solo”, Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo — Comparison Summary

Media review — Bach: The Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo (Sei Solo) BWV 1001-1006 — Comparison Summary, Artist and Media Information. 26 artists / 28 recordings, from historic to HIP: Kreisler (1926), Menuhin (1936), Szigeti (1956), Grumiaux (1961), Szeryng (1967), Kremer (1980), Zehetmair (1982), Schröder (1985), Paternoster (1995, cello), Huggett (1997), Podger (1999), Kremer (2002), Tetzlaff (2005), Mullova (2008), Baráti (2009), Faust (2009), Ibragimova (2009), Khachatryan (2009), Beyer (2011), Pietsch (2011), Busch (2012), Faust (2012), Bohren (2017), Carmignola (2018), Pochekin (2018), Aldemir (2019, viola), Cotik (2019), Hadelich (2020)
Blog post #585 — #rolfsmblog •

Weinmeister, Cohen, La Scintilla — Zurich Opera, 2017-07-03

Concert Review — Hanna Weinmeister, Jonathan Cohen / Orchestra La Scintilla @ Zurich Opera, 2017-07-03, Works by J.S. Bach — Orchestral Suites No.3 & No.4 in D, BWV 1068 & 1069; Violin Concerto in E, BWV 1042; Brandenburg Concerto No.6 in B♭ major, BWV 1051

Vivaldi: Recorder Concerti (Diary 2015-06-21)

Listening diary post, covering recordings of recorder concerti by Antonio Vivaldi (including some related concerti for violin), played by Maurice Steger / Diego Fasolis / I Barocchisti (2 CDs, 2000 & 2014), Conrad Steinmann / Helmut Müller-Brühl / Cappella Clementina (1978), and by Giuliano Carmignola (violin) / Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marca (1999) — 18 different concerti total, including 2 versions of “La Notte”, and 2 versions of “Il gardellino”.