Herreweghe: Bach, Mass in B minor — KKL Lucerne, 2019-06-17

Blog post #501 — Concert review, ★★★★, Philippe Herreweghe / Collegium Vocale Gent, Dorothee Mields, Hana Blažiková, Alex Potter, Thomas Hobbs, Krešimir Stražanac @ KKL, Lucerne, 2019-06-17 — J.S. Bach: Mass in B minor, BWV 232

Bach: The Sonatas for Harpsichord and Viola da gamba, BWV 1027 – 1029

Media Review — J.S. Bach: The Sonatas for Viola da gamba, BWV 1027 – 1029: Jordi Savall / Ton Koopman (1977), Anner Bylsma / Bob van Asperen (1990); Lucile Boulanger / Arnaud De Pasquale (2011); includes “collateral” reviews of works included with the aforementioned CDs, such as J.C.F. Bach’s Sonata in A major, J.S. Bach’s violin sonata BWV 1023, and the Toccata No.2 in C minor, BWV 911
Blog post #650 — #rolfsmblog •

Bach: “Sei Solo”, Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo — Comparison Summary

Media review — Bach: The Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo (Sei Solo) BWV 1001-1006 — Comparison Summary, Artist and Media Information. 26 artists / 28 recordings, from historic to HIP: Kreisler (1926), Menuhin (1936), Szigeti (1956), Grumiaux (1961), Szeryng (1967), Kremer (1980), Zehetmair (1982), Schröder (1985), Paternoster (1995, cello), Huggett (1997), Podger (1999), Kremer (2002), Tetzlaff (2005), Mullova (2008), Baráti (2009), Faust (2009), Ibragimova (2009), Khachatryan (2009), Beyer (2011), Pietsch (2011), Busch (2012), Faust (2012), Bohren (2017), Carmignola (2018), Pochekin (2018), Aldemir (2019, viola), Cotik (2019), Hadelich (2020)
Blog post #585 — #rolfsmblog •

Bruckner: Mass No.2 in E minor

Bruckner: Mass No.2 in E minor — comparing 6 versions of Anton Bruckner’s Mass No.2 in E minor. Artists: Eugen Jochum/Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks (1971) — Daniel Barenboim/John Alldis Choir (1974) — Philippe Herreweghe/La Chapelle Royale & Collegium Vocale (1989) — Simon Halsey/CBSO Chorus (1990) — Helmuth Rilling/Gächinger Kantorei (1996) — Stephen Layton/Polyphony (2007)

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D major, op.61

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D major, op.61 — comparing recordings with the following artists: Batiashvili (2007), Busch/Busch (1942), Faust/Abbado (2010), Francescatti/Walter (1961), Grumiaux/Galliera (1966), Heifetz/Munch (1955), Huberman/Szell (1934), Jansen/Järvi (2009), Kennedy (2007), Kopatchinskaja/Herreweghe (2009), Kreisler/Blech (1926), Kremer/Harnoncourt (1992), Menuhin/Furtwängler (1947), Milstein/Szell (1964), Mullova/Gardiner (2002), Oistrakh/Gauk (1952), Oistrakh/Cluytens (1959), Stern/Bernstein (1959), Szeryng/Schmidt-Isserstedt (1965), Suk/Konwitschny (1962), Tetzlaff/Zinman (2005), Zehetmair/Brüggen (1997)

Maurice Steger, Early Recordings (Diary 2014-01-31)

Recorder Music, Early Recordings with Maurice Steger: “An Italian Ground” (Steger, Kitaya) — for comparison: Icarus Ensemble, Pieter-Jan Belder, Andreas Staier, Ottavio Dantone, Yuja Wang); “An English Collection” (Steger, Kitaya)