Christian Erny, Zurich Chamber Singers, OoE — Winterthur, 2020-01-19

Concert review, ★★★½, Christian Erny, The Zurich Chamber Singers, Orchestra of Europe (OoE), Sara-Bigna Janett, Annika Langenbach, Jonas Salzer, Meret Roth, Elias Reichert @ Stadtkirche, Winterthur, 2020-01-19 — Milhaud: La création du monde, op.81; Honegger: Symphonic Psalm “König David” (“Le Roi David”, German version), H.37
Blog post #534 — #rolfsmblog •

Christian Dierstein, Baldur Brönnimann / Basel Sinfonietta — Basel, 2018-10-21

Concert review, Christian Dierstein, Baldur Brönnimann / Basel Sinfonietta @ Musical Theater Basel, 2018-10-21 — Aleksandr Lazarevich Lokshin (1920 – 1987): Symphony No.4, “Sinfonia stretta” (1968, Swiss Premiere); Emmanuel Nuñes (1941 – 2012): “Wandlungen”, Five Passacaglias (1986, Swiss Premiere); Michel Roth (*1976): “Die letzte Welt” (“The last world”, 2018, World Premiere)

Organ Fascination

(…) once my record collection started featuring organ recordings — though organ recordings took a rather slow and non-systematic start. At least, the beginning was OK — for that time (1970), at least: a box with all of Handel’s organ concertos, played by the Collegium aureum and Rudolf Ewerhart on magnificent organs such as the famous Gabler organ in Weingarten, or the Riepp organs in Ottobeuren…