Truthfulness and Authenticity in Interpretation? A Reflection

Blog post #473 — Truthfulness and Authenticity in Interpretation? A reflection about the (potential) conflict between authenticity towards the composer’s will and an artist’s “authenticity” in the sense of truthfulness to one’s genuine interpretation. The effect this has on the credibility of an interpretation.

Authenticity and Originality — Antagonists in Music Interpretation?

Authenticity and Originality — Antagonists in Music Interpretation? Reflections about the artist’s attitude towards a composer’s work, the relationship between the two, touching on questions of authenticity, what role originality plays in this, its boundaries in the composer’s, the artist’s and the listener’s view.

Interpretation im Spannungsfeld von Authentizität und Originalität

Interpretation im Spannungsfeld von Authentizität und Originalität — Reflektion zum Verhältnis, zur Haltung des Interpreten zu Fragen der Authentizität, d.h., wie viel Originalität bei Interpretationen noch zulässig, tolerierbar ist, resp. ab wann man eher von einer “Interpretation frei nach…” sprechen sollte