Reflections on the Role of Concert / Music Critique

Reflections on my understanding of the role of music critics: what can, should be the goal in commenting on and reviewing concerts and music recordings? What do I regard inappropriate for such reviews? Personal view & philosophy.

Authenticity and Originality — Antagonists in Music Interpretation?

Authenticity and Originality — Antagonists in Music Interpretation? Reflections about the artist’s attitude towards a composer’s work, the relationship between the two, touching on questions of authenticity, what role originality plays in this, its boundaries in the composer’s, the artist’s and the listener’s view.

Interpretation im Spannungsfeld von Authentizität und Originalität

Interpretation im Spannungsfeld von Authentizität und Originalität — Reflektion zum Verhältnis, zur Haltung des Interpreten zu Fragen der Authentizität, d.h., wie viel Originalität bei Interpretationen noch zulässig, tolerierbar ist, resp. ab wann man eher von einer “Interpretation frei nach…” sprechen sollte

Experiences of a Lay Concert Agent

A collection of experiences / lessons learned from organizing concerts / piano recitals for an artist, maybe a draft protocol for future instances?

CD / Studio vs. Live Recordings / Concerts

A lot could be said about the pros and cons of concerts or live recordings vs. listening to CDs / studio recordings. I remember endless discussions many years ago with friends, around the quality of audio reproduction, stereo equipment, etc. — and I remember one friend who would typically kill any such discussion with the argument “You know, for me, nothing beats a live concert experience!”, at which point it made no sense to carry the discussion any further. However,…